Fine - adjustment System for Slab Ballastles Track Based on CPIII Control Net |
XU Wan - peng |
China Railway 15th Bureau Group Co. Ltd. ,Luoyang,Henan,471013,China |
Abstract Research purposes:In order to solve the fine adjustment problem of CRTSII and CRTSIII slab ballastless track,the deep research is done on the defect and deficiency of the fine - adjustment system for the track slab produced by Bergal Company based on geometric characteristics of track slab. And a new fine - adjustment system for the slab ballastless track is presented . Based on the CPIII control net and the geometric characteristics of track slab,this new system uses the track measured coordinate and the track parameters to finely adjust the simulated track directly.
Research conclusions:This system is better than the imported technology in measuring precision and reliability. By using this system,the work efficiency can be improved much and the cost also can be cut much. Application of it in construction of Beijing - Shanghai High - speed Railway showed by using this system,the comprehensive efficiency of track fine adjustment was increased by 50% ,the cost was cut by 40% ,and the replacement number of the rail fastenings was around 60% of the imported technology,getting obvious economic benefits.
Received: 20 March 2011
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