Comprehensive Treatment Technology and Evaluation for Tangjiayuan Tunnel Through the Landslide Section |
GU Shuan-cheng1, WANG Bing-qiang1, WANG Jian2, HE Wei-geng2 |
1. Xi′an University of Science and Technology, Xi′an, Shanxi 710054, China; 2. Shanxi Province Expressway Construction Group Company, Xi′an, Shanxi 710065, China
Abstract Abstract:Research purposes:Based on the engineering background of Tangjiayuan tunnel of Xian-Baoji highway, segment the deformation of the tunnel through the landslide and stress distribution of surrounding rock are investigated. On the basis of the landslide stability analysis, the paper puts forward comprehensive countermeasures of landslide and takes all-round monitoring measures as excavation disturbance's influence on the landslide deformation monitoring of tunnel to evaluate the stability of the landslide and the tunnel.
Research conclusions:(1) In the early stage of Tangjiayuan tunnel excavation, the landslide is basically stable; When the tunnel face advances to 50m from the monitoring section, landslide deformation increases; When the tunnel face advances arrived at monitoring section, the changing rate of displacement of monitoring points is the largest; As the role of tunnel support and anti-slide pile reinforcement, the tunnel face advance to the monitoring cross section after 30 m, landslide basically returns stability. (2) In the early monitoring, because of the influence of the landslides and terrain bias, the surrounding rock pressure increases significantly, with the effect of strengthening tunnel supporting, the surrounding rock pressure gradually stabilize, and the surrounding rock pressure and surface settlement appear obvious asymmetry phenomenon. (3) This paper discusses the landslide section of tunnel construction and its influence, puts forward the comprehensive improvement scheme, and monitors the deformation of tunnel and surrounding rock pressure, which is useful for the line selection and prevention of the similar engineering.
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