Application of Interaction Analysis of Foundation and Structure in Hongqiao Integrated Transport Center Project |
ZHANG Jian - xin,SUN Jun - ling,WANG Kun |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin 300251,China |
Abstract Research purposes: As the structure system of the Hongqiao integrated transport center is complex,the reaction forces of the column base is much uneven and the difference of the rigidites of the foundation and structure is small,the traditional method can not reflect the actual load bearing situation. In this paper,the comparation and analyses of the traditional analysis method and calculation method for the interaction and the calculation results obtained with two method and the their reasons are made to instruct the design of the similar project.
Research conclusions: The interaction method that considers the mutual influence of foundation and structure should be used for the structure with the small difference in rigidity on the base and top and largely uneven axial force of the column. The influence of the foundation on the structure is related to the stiffness of the foundation and the structure. The stronger the stiffness of the foundation is,the lower the influence is . For the structure of big column net along with filling column net used in the large integrated transport center,the influence of the deformation of the top part can not be ignored.
Received: 16 May 2011
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