Option of Speed Target Value of the Haerbin-Qiqihaer Inter-city Railway |
WANG Xiu-li |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin, 300142, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The analysis of the speed target value of domestic and international intercity railway, the determination of reasonable speed target value network in China, construction cost, economic benefits, allocation of EMUs and the actual running speed of the train are made for the purpose of determing the reasonable speed target value of the Fourth Line of Haerbin-Qiqihaer Railway.
Research conclusions: From the line functional, investment and economic points of view, the speed target "value of 200-250 km/h should be adopted for the Fourth Line of Haerbin-Qiqihaer Railway, and the speed target value of 300 km/h is the worst in investment profits. Therefore, it is proposed the speed target value of 200 km/h will be adopted in the early opening period of the line, but construction of infrastructure is conducted in accordance with 200-250 km/h because it only needs a little more investment in construction of 200-250 km/h line and the line is already in high plane standard.
Received: 05 January 2008
[1]铁建设[2005]140号,新建时速200~250 km客运专线铁路设计暂行规定[S].