Construction Technology of the High Pressure and Enriched Water Fault F1 in Bieyancao Tunnel on Yichang-Wanzhou Railway |
WANG Shu-guo1,ZHANG Min-qing1,HUANG Hong-jian1,CHEN Wei-yuan2 , YIN Huai-lian3 |
1. Yichang-Wanzhou Railway Construction Headquater, Ministry of Railways, Enshi, Hubei 445000,China; 2. Yichang-Wanzhou Railway Construction Headquater, China Railway 21st Bureau Group Co. Ltd, Wanzhou, Chongqing 404100,China; 3. China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Hubei, Wuhan 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Bieyancao tunnel is one of 8 level Ⅰ risky tunnels with the fault F1 grown in the tunnel DK 404+101~+550 and fault is on the interface of dissolvable terrain and undissolvable terrain. The fault is formed by calcified cementation of dissolvable limestone and dolomite. The measurement shows the water pressure is 0. 6~1. 8 MPa and the water quantity is 10~160 m3 per hour in the fault. The description is made on how to decide grouting parameters and support scheme in advance through conducting the survey in advance to the high pressure and enriched water Fault Fl based on the water pressure and the water quantity in the single hole.
Research conclusions:To the high pressure and enriched water fault F1,the construction method of geological forecast in advance, grouting consolidation, pipe-shed support and strengthening the structure is feasible. To the main fault, the grouting purdah thickness is 8 meters besides the tunnel contour line and to the fault influence zone, if the water pressure exceeds 1. 5 MPa and the water quantity exceeds 40 m3 per hour, the grouting purdah thickness is 8 meters besides the tunnel contour line. To the other cases, it is necessary to optimize the grouting purdah thickness and construction program,reasonably equip the construction machinery and strengthen construction organization and management for enhancing the production grouting capacity to curtain grouting per cycle/32 days and the process of boring-grouting-excavation" 22 meters per month.
Received: 29 June 2008
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