Research on the Permafrost Structure of Protection Measures along Qinghai-Tilbet Railway |
CAO Yuan-Pig |
China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Ltd , Xi'an , Shanxi 710043,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The length that Qinghai-Tibet crossing the continuously permafrost regions is 546. 43 km. Preventing the permafrost thawing and sinking is the chief technical problem in design and construction of Qinghai-Tibet railway. To guide design and construction, the typical regions that Beilu River, Qingshui River and Ando are selected before large scale construction. The active protection contractures include air-cooled riprap embankment, heat pipe embankment, slope protection of rubble and crushed stone subgrade, and ventilating pipe embankment are researched.
Research conclusions : The four kinds of embankments can adjust the energy of radiation, convection and conduction by changing the structure and filler of subgrade. The cool reserves of the four kinds of embankment are increased; the thermal regimes of permafrost foundation,improved. They are the effective engineering measures to protect the permafrost and are applicable to embankment engineering in permafrost zone. The length of subgrade is 380. 30 km along Qinghai-Tibet railway in the permafrost regions, and the lengths of sir-cooled riprap embankment , slope protection of rubble and crushed stone subgrade and heat pipe embankment are respectively 117. 69 km, 127.00 km and 32.0 km. The testing engineering of active protection contractures had experienced at least six freeze-thaw cycles, and the diseases of thawing and sinking did not appeared. The train is stable running with 100 km/h in permafrost regions, which shows the active protection contractures are stability and reliability.
Received: 20 June 2008
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