Width Design of Subway Footway Considering the Randomness and State-dependence
JIANG Yang-sheng, ZHU Juan-xiu, HU Lu, FANG Chuan-wu |
Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Abstract:Research purposes: The width ofsubway footwaydetermines the level of service and the efficiency of circulation.To meet the given level of service and the demand of volatility,a queuing model considering the randomness and state-dependence of the passenger arrival and serviceis established to describe the footway queuing phenomenon,andthenthe quantitative association model between the level of service and footway width is developedtodesign the rational width of subwayfootway.
Research conclusions:(1) According to the micro-simulation validation, the PH queuing model based on quasi birth and death processes can accurately describe footway queuingphenomenon.(2)The design width based on the PH queuing model is larger than that of other queuing models.(3)The real area per person under the design width based on the PH queuing model is closest to the design level of service, while the results based on other models are all unable to meet that.(4)The research result is of great significance for a real and effective description of the footway queuing phenomenon and for planning and operation of subway station.
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