Numerical Simulation Study on the Influence of Extremely Deep Pit Bracing and Excavation on Soil Deformation |
YANG Gui-sheng1,LI Yu-run2 , LI Yu-chen3 |
1. The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300251,China; 2. Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401 ,China; 3. China Railway 18th Bureau Group Co. Ltd, Beijing 101407,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The studies are done on the soil displacement, distribution of soil surface settlement, timbering structure displacement and stress variety caused by bracing and excavation of extremely deep pit with theoretical analysis and numerical simulation methods for the purpose of mastering the simulation method of timbering structure deformation and soil settlement caused by pit excavation to direct the design work.
Research results: The study results indicate that based on the computation, the maximum surface settlement is 28. 7 mm when the excavation was finished and the bottom floor was constructed. The measured surface settlement is 28.46 mm during the construction, which is closed to that by computation, so the result of the research can be used for directing the design.
Received: 17 March 2008
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