Analysis of Prediction of Settlement of CFG Pile Composite Foundation of Passenger Dedicated Line |
WANG Jiang, LU Guo-sheng |
South west University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, Sichuan 310007,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The analyses were made for the prediction of the settlement of the CFG pile composite foundation of one passenger dedicated line predicted with the hyperbolic graphic method, the hyperbolic method, three- point method and the index method. The actual measured settlement data were polished by using quintic multinomial By doing so, the error produced in the measurement and the non-isochronism of the actual measured settlement data can be eliminated and it can provide the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions: Application of the interpolation of the quintic multinomial can eliminate the error caused by environment factors and the difficulty in selection of measurement spot caused by the non-isochronism in measurement to make the settlement curve smooth. From the prediction results obtained from the four methods mentioned above it can be seen the result obtained from the three- point method is good, getting the max imum relative coefficients while the measured values obtained from the hyperbolic method are the biggest.
Received: 25 August 2010
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