Research on Structure Style of Turnout Continuous Girder in Station Throat Zone on Ballastless and Jointless Track of High—speed Railway |
WANG Li—zhong,LIU Jing—mian |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin 300142,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The research is done on the turnout group used for turning the two main tracks in the station throat zone of high—speed railway into six tracks in station for the purpose of reasonable choice of the bridge structure to meet the demands of welded turnout arrangement.
Research conclusions: Through the research on the structure type of turnout continious girder in the station throat zone ON ballastless and jointless track,the control sectors of choice of the bridge structure style in the turnout zone were summarized.In order to design the structure that can meet the strength and deformation requirements of the turnout on ballastless and welded turnout,the attention should be paid to the followings:(1)The demands of the ballasfless and welded turnout to the bridge deformation and girder gap position should be confirmed.(2)According to the demands of the ballasdess and welded turnout to the relative transverse displacement of rail at the position of girder gap,the reasonable transverse arrangement of girders should be confirmed.(3)Based on the confirmed bridge structure style,an integrated ballasdess and jointless turnout—bridge—pier mechanical model should be established to calculate the working conditions of the track. girder and substructure in turnout zone.(4)The analysis of entire or partial girder should be made.
Received: 21 August 2010
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