The Dynamic Analysis of the Existing Railway’s Subgrade Settlement Caused by Excavation Pit on Hu—Ning Line |
LUO Kun,LEI Xiao—yan |
East China Jiaotong University,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330013,China |
Abstract Research purposes: With the increase of high—speed train’s speed,the dynamic response of track structure will be increased,which requires more about the track geometry.This paper takes the excavation pit on Hu—Ning intercity passenger rail by the side of existing railway line for example to analyze dynamic response of subgrade settlement caused by the excavation pit.
Research conclusions: In order to analyze the subsidence of roadbed caused by excavation of foundation ditch,the numerical model was set up,which is composed of two parts,including the vehicle—track—roadbed—ground coupling system and the roadbed—ground—ditch—supporting structure coupling system.It is shown that the depth.Support Method. and the load will induce the different sedimentation of the roadbed.The vertical dynamic displacement in the three cases is between 0.8 to 1.6 mm.and which come up to the standard.
Received: 19 April 2010
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