Long-term Monitoring Technology of Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway Elevated Station Track System |
CAI Xiao-pei, GAO Liang, LIN Chao, YIN Hui, CHEN Feng |
Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China |
Abstract Abstract:Research purposes: Because of big density of train and short window maintenance, the demand for the safety and stability of track system is higher with the high-speed running of train. Track system of elevated station is the most sensitive and typical area in the high-speed railway. To protect the safety and stability of the train, it is necessary to develop a automatic long-term monitoring system to real-time online monitor the status of high-speed railway track and provide prediction and early warning for the possible damage.
Research conclusions:(1) The system has three subsystems including data measurement, data acquisition and transmission, data management and analysis. It has realized the functions of automatic acquisition and transmission, analysis, forecasting and early warning. (2) The system uses fiber grating technology to monitor the stress and small deformation of structure and applies video sensing technology to control sensitive part of track. The system has features of high precision, security and long-term stability. (3) Through monitoring the displacement of switch and temperature gradient of slab, the trends of displacement of switch is similar but late to the rail temperature, and the temperature of upper and lower surface of slab is periodically alternating. (4)The application of long-term monitoring techniques provides a scientific basis for track disease treatment and maintenance in high-speed rail.
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