Study on Midway between Tracks of Main Line of Intercity Rail Transit in Pearl River Delta Zone |
HUANG Yuan-qing |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes:As the same outline dimension EMU as the A type metros' vehicle will be used for the intercity rail transit network in the Pearl River Delta Zone region, with much higher running speed than the metro, the current design specifications for urban rail transit can not fully be applicable to the intercity rail transit in the Pearl River Delta Zone. In order to achieve the design goals of high speed, high security and saving the investment, it is necessary to study and determine the midway between tracks of main line of intercity rail transit in the Pearl River Delta Zone.
Research conclusions:The minimum midways between tracks of the main line in the Pearl River Delta Zone Intercity Rail Line can be as follows: In the straight sections, the midway between tracks is 3.8 m when the design speed is 140 km/h and below, the midway between tracks is 4.0m when the design speed is 160 km/h and the midway between tracks is 4.2m when the design speed is 200 km/h. In curve sections, the midway between tracks should be broadened if the midway between tracks in straight section on both ends of the curve is 3.8 m, and the midway between tracks is unnecessary to be broadened if the midway between tracks in straight section on both ends of curve is 4 m and above.
Received: 01 March 2010
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