Analyses of Dynamic Characteristics and Seismic Response Spectrum of Hemaxi Bridge |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes:A three-dimensional finite element model was developed in order to verify the seismic performances of the Hemaxi Cable-stayed Bridge with double towel and single cable plane. The dynamic characteristics and seismic response spectrum of Hemaxi Bridge were analyzed. By using the standard seismic response spectrum as the input spectrum curve and on consideration to the seismic response of the bridge under the effects of the longitudinal, transverse and vertical responses inputs respectively, the research was done on the internal force and deformation of the bridge structure under the seismic effect and the seismic performance of the bridge was analyzed.
Research conclusions:The analysis of the dynamic characteristics indicated that the first order vibration mode of the Hemaxi Bridge was of vertically symmetrical bend, so the bridge had much response to the vertical earthquake. The second vibration mode was of move in longitudinal direction, so larger bend and shear forces could appear in the joint of the bridge pier and main girder under longitudinal earthquake. The response spectrum results showed that the important components of bridge still remained the elasticity that could satisfy the requirements of seismic design.
Received: 29 April 2010
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