Technique for Construction of Heluoshan Tunnel in Water-rich Stratum |
SHAO Shuang-xiu |
China Railway 10th Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Jinan, Shandong 250101,China |
Abstract Research purposes:When a tunnel passes through water-rich stratum, the accidents of water in rushing and water bursting are easy to occur, resulting in tunnel collapse and support deformation to seriously affect the normal tunnel construction and bring about enormous latent danger to the safety of person and equipment. In order to ensure the norm tunnel construction and reduce the construction cost and personal injury as much as possible, it is urgent to do the research on techniques for construction of tunnel in water-rich stratum.
Research conclusions:When a tunnel passes through the water-rich stratum, the geological forecast should be conducted well for the tunnel construction. In the course of tunneling, for the centralized strand -shaped water-in rushing, the water should be diverted both at the working face and place behind the working face, the heading-and-bench method should be adopted for tunnel excavation and supporting with core soil reserved and the small-diameter pilot tubes in three rows should be used for supporting in advance. And for platy-shaped water-in rushing, the water should be diverted at the working face in advance, the three-bench method shall be used for excavation and supporting with the core soil reserved at the upper bench when tuff is encountered at working face, and the small-diameter pilot tubes in two rows should be used for supporting in advance. The heading-and bench method should be used with the core soil reserved at the upper bench, and the small-diameter pilot tubes in three rows should be uses for supporting in advance if there is no tuff.
Received: 04 March 2010
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