Design of OSC Landscape of Beijing South Railway Station of Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway |
MENG Xiang-kui, LIU Feng-tao |
China Railway Electrification Survey Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd, Tianjin 300250, China |
Abstract Research purposes:Based on the design of OCS landscape of Beijing South railway station, the purpose is to seek the methods, the principles, the considered factors and measures to be taken while making landscape design, for making the OCS not only meeting the function requirement, but also achieving the effect of landscape design so as to provide the reference to subsequent works.
Research conclusions:The coordination of OCS with site environment should be considered and the design of the support structure style and plain arrangement should be optimized and compared when making design of OCS landscape. After optimization of the landscape design for Beijing South Railway Station, the steel tube mast, steel tube hard cross portal, spring compensator with constant tension and anchor mast without back stay were used to the OCS in Beijing South Railway Station, obtaining perfect landscape effect. It can be as the reference to the similar landscape design in future.
Received: 26 January 2010
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