Research on the Arrangement Planning for Freight Traffic System of Beijing Railway Terminal |
GAO Ming-ming |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300251, China |
Abstract Research purposes:With construction of the linking facilities for the dedicated passenger lines gradually in recent years, the construction path of passenger traffic system of Beijing railway terminal has speeded up. Compared with the passenger traffic system of the Beijing passenger traffic, the freight traffic system is relatively weak in function, scale and capacity and it can not satisfy the needs of development. In this paper, for making full use of the advantages of the railway line unmixed for passenger and freight traffic, the arrangement of freight traffic system of Beijing railway terminal is p resented with modern logistics concept according to the relative construction project, the city development plan and the industry arrangement.
Research conclusions: The freight traffic system of Beijing railway terminal should be arranged on the base of the general arrangement of "five major stations and eight assistant stations, and one circle railway line and eight radiant railway lines". The "five major stations and eight assistant stations" refers to one container central station, four freight central stations and eight assistant freight stations. The "one circle railway line and eight radiant railway lines" refers to one outer circle railway line stipulated in the plan and eight radiant railway lines.
Received: 29 December 2009
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