Abstract Abstract:Research purposes: In the shield construction, there is strong coupling in the interaction between shield machine and rock-soil mass, so the research on numerical simulation about the impact of various factors will become necessary. Combined with geological conditions and on-site monitoring data, the research on shield tunneling of 202 bid section of Dalian metro is carried out to analyze the influenting factors and effect of surface settlement by three-dimensional finite element.
Research conclusions:The following conclusions are proposed: (1) The surface settlement decreases with the increasing of the earth pressure, and the stress or plastic zone of tunnel face increases. (2) The surface settlement decreases with the increasing of grouting capacity, but excessive grouting capacity will destroy the self-stability of soil, which makes surface settlement increase. (3) When shield machines cross the different soil layers, the parameters can be adjusted according to simulation results. (4) The research results can monitor metro shield tunnel under the complicated environment.
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