Comparative Analysis of Stability of High-Steep Slope under Bridge Load with 2D and 3D Finite Element |
WANG Chun-lei, GUAN Feng-jv, HAN Hui-xun |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation, Tianjin 300142, China |
Abstract Research purposes:Now the 2D analysis is the common method for stability evaluation of high-steep slope under bridge load now, but it ignores the spatial effect. As the high-steep slope or bridge foundation is 3D solid, if the 2D analysis results are used for them , there is a certain error in the real application. Compared with 3D, the 2D theory on slope is relatively mature, with feature of easy application in the engineering, so it is still the main method considered for the slope analysis. The comparative analyses of mechanical behaviors and regulation of rock mass of high-steep slope under load are made with 2D and 3D in detail. The results can be as the reference to the design of high-steep slope under bridge load and its stability evaluation.
Research conclusions:The mechanical behavior of rock mass of high-steep slope under bridge load obtained by 2D analysis is the approximately same as that by 3D analysis. The values of stress and displacement obtained by 2D analysis are generally bigger than that by 3D, especially this phenomenon is obvious near the bridge foundation. Compared with 3D analysis, 2D results of slope stability is relatively conservative under the same condition. The error between 2D and 3D is not constant and it changes with the changes of load intensity, bridge foundation position, gradient, bridge foundation size etc.
Received: 18 June 2009
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