Application of Vacuum-heaped Load Preloading Technology in Treating Soft Subgrade in Experimental Section |
SONG Shang-ming |
China Railway Group Limited, Beijing 100055, China |
Abstract Research purposes:Based on one example of application of the vacuum-heaped load preloading technology in treating soft subgrade in the experimental section, the introduction is given to the key points of this construction technology and the discussion is made on the method for the settlement estimation.
Research conclusions:During treating the soft subgrade with vacuum-heaped load preloading, it is necessary to follow the principle of guaranteeing good permeability of drainage system and air tightness of vacuum system, and control the construction quality of sand bedding, plastic drainage board, pipe network, sealing membrane, sealing grove and vacuum pump. From verification, it is found the calculated results with the commonly used "equivalent load methods" are different from the actualmeasured results to some extent, and from the analysis, it is thought the main reasons for the differences between the calculated results and the actually measured results are the vertically transferred depth of the vacuum degree and the lateral deformation of soil were not considered. How to accurately consider these two factors needs to be further discussed.
Received: 30 November 2009
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