Research on the Informationized System for Assessing the Qualification for Professional and Technical Post |
LV Yue-sheng |
China Railway Group Limit, Beijing 100055, China |
Abstract Research purposes:Assessment of the qualification for professional and technical post is an important work for the human resource management. This paper researches the informationized system for assessing the qualification for professional and technical post and introduces the development background, target, function and characteristics of the system.
Research conclusions:This system builds an informationized management platform for assessing the qualification for professional and technical post, sets up a quantitative standard data bank of assessment condition for the qualification for professional and technical post, and makes the assessment work standardized, sequenced, intellectualized, networking and electronized. With this system, the management of technical person of can be controlled optimally and analyzed strategically for providing the support to the enterprise management and decision-making.
Received: 15 December 2009
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