Research on the Railway Network Plan for Hubei Province |
ZHANG Hua-jun |
China Railway Siyuan Survery and DesignGroup Co. Ltd, Wuhan,Hubei 430063,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The railways inHubeiProvince are located in centralofChina and the intersection area with the railways from north to south and from east towes,t somaking the betterplan of the railway inHubeiProvince,strengthening the co -ordination with neighbor provinces and cities, planing railway as a whole and focusing on the future have the great significance to meeting the demand to the passenger and freight traffic, promoting the leaping developmentof the railway construction and ensuring the sustainable developmentof the economy.
Research conclusions:This paper analyzes the socia,l economic, urban systems and traffic development characteristics ofHubei Province, proposes the railway network plan forHubei Province. The five vertical and two horizontalmain railway lines inHubei Province are planned with total length of 5 564 km, which lists the top in centralChina. The "one -loop and five -axis" radial intercity railway network is formed in Wuhan City Circle, with total length of 1 048. 8 km, which ranks themoderate level ofwell-developed city circle athome and abroad. Well-planned layout of the railway network has strengthened the railway construction in the east city circle inHubei and the westecological circle inHube,i promoted the tourism industry andmineral resourcesdevelopments, and setup the railway traffic circle targetof "54321" inHube.i
Received: 15 October 2009
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