Selection ofSpeed TargetValue ofGuiyang-Guangzhou Railway |
ZHANG Hong-we,i GOU Zhi-ping, ZENG Zhong-yan |
China Railway Eryuan EngineeringGroup Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Through the selection of target values of time, infrastructure and train running and analyses from the view of points of technical feasibility, economical rationality and the long -term development of Chinese railway technology, the reasonable target speed value ofGuiyang -Guangzhou Railway is selected.
Research conclusions:Combined with the functional orientation of the railway line and through analyses from view of points of the passenger flow composition, the travel time ofdifferent transportmode and time targetvalue, the proposed time targetvalue of the whole line should be controlled within 5 hours, and the adopted train speed should be up to 200 km /h or above. According to the requirements of the line and the adjacent lines for the time target value and on considerations of the topographic conditions, investmentand economic benefi,t itis the best to construct this railway line with speed of250 km /h to obtain the perfect investmentbenefi.t By analyzing the speed -targetdevelopment trends of the railway line formixed passenger and freight traffic in China, the influences on the lines' capacity and transportation organization by the differentspeed targetvalues and the adaptation ofChinas' locomotives and rolling stock to the railway line with speed of250 km /h, the 200 km /h (with the infrastructure reserved 250 km /h condition) program only needs a littlemore investment than 200 km /h program to obtain better line plane conditions. Therefore, the 200 km /h (with the infrastructure reserved 250 km /h ) program is recommended to this line.
Received: 16 February 2009
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