Analysis of Selection of Target Speed Value and Lmi it Slope Standard of Q ingdao-Lianyungang Railway |
ZUO Feng |
The 3rd Railway Survey and Design InstituteGroup Corporation, Tianjin 300142, China |
Abstract Research purposes: To determine the speed targetvalue ofnew railway line formixed passenger and freight traffic should not only consider the demand of speed target value, but also should consider the influence of time difference caused by the feature of the line. The limit slope standard much affects the line trend, line length,construction investmen,t operating costs, traction quality and traffic capacity.
Research conclusions:The speed targetvalue of200 km /h used for this railway line canwellmeet the requirementsof the time targetvalue and coordinatewith the speed targetvaluesofJinan-QingdaoPassengerDedicated Line, Qingdao-Rongcheng Intercity Line, Lianyungang -Yancheng Line. The limit6jslope on this line can meet the demand of traffic capacity of this line andwellmatch the adjacent railway line in network.
Received: 23 October 2009
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