Research on the Design ofW elded Base for 100 m Long SteelRail |
ZHOU M ing-xiang |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and DesignGroup Co. Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei 430063,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Construction of the welded base for100 m long steel rail is a new matter and it is for realizing the leaping developmentof the railway development inChina andmeeting the demands of construction of rapid railway passenger network and intercity railway and upgrading the existing railway line. The current design manua,l design standard, and design specifications are unavailable for i.t This research plans to perfect the design of thewelded base for100 m long steel rail through the analysis ofproduction process and functional characteristics.
Research conclusions:The existing experience should be learnt in the design and construction of the welded base for 100 m long steel rai.l The reasonable verification should bemade forconstruction of thewelded base for100m long steel rail on consideration of the requirement of the railway network in China. The all factors should be taken into account whenmaking decision. The site choice of thewelded base should satisfy the demand of the railway network and reduce the influence on environmen.t The arrangementofwelded base should satisfy the demands of the railwelding process of the production line, with a compact and reasonable arrangement and no interferences among the all production operations. The reasonablenessof the overallarrangementof thewelded base should be tested by realproduction so as to gainmore experience fordesign of similarwelded base.
Received: 03 April 2009
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