Study on the Project Plans of the X i'an Subway Passing through the Earth Surface Crack Zone |
LI Tuan-she |
China Railway FirstSurvey and Design InstituteGroup Ltd., Xia' n, Shanxi 710043, China |
Abstract Research purposes: By analyzing the earth surface cracks' active characteristics and the distortion regulation of the earth's surface crack zone passed through by Xi ' an subway 's track, this paper studies the subway engineering disaster caused by the earth surface crack and proposes the plan for the subways' track adaptive to the earth surface crack after the active distortion of the earth surface crack when the subway sectional tunnel passing through the earth surface crack zone for the purpose of providing the scientifically theoretic instruction and design basis for the Xi ' an subway design, construction and security operation.
Research conclusions:Based on the analyses of the reason, harm and distortion characteristic of the earth surface crack, and guided by the principle of "prevention and putting aside", the overall adaptive plan of adjusting the rail gradientand using adjustable frame slab railwas adopted alongwith taking comprehensive technicalmeasures, such as partial reiforcemen,t remaining clearance in advance, trearmentstep by step, using flexible jointandwaterproofing after construction of structure. So the problem ofXi'an subway passing through the earth surface crack zonewaspreliminarily solved by doing so and this research resultwaswidely applied in Line?and LineòofXi'an subway.
Received: 06 August 2009
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