OptimalDesign and Application ofEnergy-saving Technology forVentilation Air-conditioning in Subway Station |
YANG Z i-xiao |
China Railway Eryuan EngineeringGroup Co. Ltd,Chengdu, Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Ventilation air-conditioning system is themain energy consumer in the subway station,so the effective reducing the energy consumption of ventilation air-conditioning becomes a key and difficultpoint for design of the ventilation air-conditioning in subway station. In this paper, the analyses of the changes of one typical air-conditioning load in the subway station aremade for seeking an effective way to reduce the energy consumption of the ventilation air-conditioning.
Research conclusions:Based on the energy consumption of ventilation air conditioning system equipped in subway station, the optimal design flow forenergy-saving is analyzed. By analysis and statistics ofpassenger flow and load of air conditioning system of each hour, frequency conversion technology is determined to apply for regulating ventilation air-conditioning system. In this way, the energy consumption and operational cost can be reduced much, and the corresponding installed capacity of transformation and distribution equipments and the area of transformation and distribution equipment room can be lowered. Furthermore, the amount of the civil works of the station can be also decreased. This technology can be used in the similarworks in the future.
Received: 16 February 2009
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