Application of Full -jet Vertical Induction Ventilation in the Queletage Mountain Tunnel2 |
CHENG W en-Yu |
Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes: In this paper, the study is done on the ventilationmodewith vertical ventilation design theory, and the theoretical description and practical verification of full-jet vertical induction ventilation are made for QueletageMountain Tunnel2. At the same time, the computingmethod ispresented for the full-jetverticalventilation mode based on the establishmentof themodel and concrete design calculation of the ventilationmode for the tunnel.
Research conclusions:Application of jet fans technology to induct air vertical flow is an effective ventilation mode for long tunne.l The full-jetvertical induction ventilationmode used forQueletageMountain Tunnel 2 is feasible, and it notonly meets the requirement of the design criteria, but also ensures the operational safety of the tunne.l The computingmethod presented in this paper for full-jetvertical ventilation can be used for the similarworks.
Received: 30 September 2009
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