The Feasibility of Developing Urban Mass Transit in Suzhou-Wuxi-ChangzhouM etropolitan Region |
WEI Da |
Jiangsu Provincial Transportation Research Institute Co. Ltd, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210017, China |
Abstract Research purposes: In the coming period, with implement of the national railway development strategy gradually, Suzhou -Wuxi -Changzhou metropolitan region will face the great development opportunity of urban mass transi.t Atpresen,t the Suzhou -Wuxi-Changzhoumetropolitan region has achieved the phase results in planning the urbanmass transi.t The nextwork is to do the preparation work for the urban mass transi.t The Tokyo metropolitan region of Japan is one of the most developed areas in urban mass transi.t This paper introduces the development process and experince of the urban mass transitinTokyometropolitan region forproving the feasibility of implementing the urban mass transitplan forSuzhou -Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan region to push foreward the coordinated developments of the city and transportation.
Research conclusions:The Suzhou -Wuxi -Changzhou metropolitan region is one of the most developed areas in economy in China, with the economic foundation of developing the urbanmass transi.t As the contradiction between the supply and demand in traffic hasbecome obvious and the urbanmass transithas the comparative advantage, the Suzhou -Wuxi-Changzhou metropolitan regionwillusher in the upsurge ofurbanmass transit construction. The nextworks are offered to realize the rapid development of urban mass transit in the Suzhou -Wuxi -Changzhou metropolitan region,including railway system reform, appropriately advanced construction of infrastructure, deepening the line linkswith the network at the different levels and establishing themarket financing system.
Received: 13 July 2009
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