Study of the Interactive Relationship between Regional Coordinated Development and Transport System |
SHI Jing, ZHANG Dan, WU Zhao-zhang |
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Construction ofhighway tunnel and deep cutting inmountain area involves to dealwith the relation between highway construction and environment protection because the construction quantities is large with poor stability and construction is easy to destroy environmen.t In this paper, the plan of deep cutting and tunnel are chosenwith consideration ofprotection ofecologicalenvironmentinmountain area for reducing the influence of the plans' unreasonableness on ecological environment.
Taking the transport plan in " Twelfth Five -year Plan" period in China as the background, through analysis and study of the interaction between regional coordinated development and transport system in foreign countries, this paper tries to explore the direction of interactive relationship between regional coordinated developmentand transport system in China, in order to provide reference to the decision -making. Research conclusions:(1) Enlargement of the transport economic region and city belt, even the city complexhas to be guided by the distribution of the transport system in order to reduce the economic gap between urban area and rural area for achieving the goal of harmonious development. (2) Plan of regional development has to have perspective in order that the construction and development of the transport system can satisfy the demand of the regional economic development forproviding the perfectservice quality and guide to the regionaleconomic developmen.t At the same time,working out the law, regulation and system for the whole region and transport is the important means for smooth implement of the plans in all phases. (3) Establishmentofmulti-mode transportsystem to guide the region expansion is very important to the regional coordinated development.
Received: 09 August 2009
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