Control of Sand Storm in the Section between Gomlud and Lhasa of Qinghai-Tibet Railway |
WANG Duo-qing |
China Railway First Survey and Design InstituteGroup Ltd., Xia' n, Shanxi 710043, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The Qinghai -TibetPlateau has a special geographical and climatic environment with theweak ecological conditions. The sand storm along Qinghai –Tibet Railway is widely spread, with complicated and violent movement to bring serious danger to the railway. So it is necessary to study and summarize the distribution,characteristics, control methods and control effect of sand storm along Qinghai -Tibet Railway for providing the references to maintenance of the railway and to the similar works.
Research conclusions:There are Semi -fixed dune and active dune along Qinghai –Tibet Railway. The sand flow is developmentand river area is also the place where the sand storm happens frequently with complicated and violent movemen.t The control of the sand storm in this area is long-term process. The principle of" PuttingPrevention First and Combining Prevention with Control" should be followed by adopting the method ofputting the project prevention of sand storm first and adjusting measures to local conditions to conduct comprehensive contro.l During the operation of Qinghai-Tibet Railway, it isnecessary to do the studies on the technologies forcontrolling the sand storm and ensuring the safety of the railway in sand storm area and river area. The accumulated sand should be cleaned up in time and environmentprotection should be strengthened.
Received: 09 February 2009
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