Optmiization of Cambridge Model Parameters for Soft Soil in Subgrade Expermiental Section of Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway |
GUO Chao1, YAN Shu-wang1, SONG Xu-guo2 |
1. Tianjin university,Tianjin 300072, China; 2. The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin 300142, China |
Abstract Research purposes: There are a lot of soft soils in the Tianjin section of the Beijing -Tianjin Intercity Railway. Themain reasons for the softsoil formation are the alluvion and accumulation of lakemarsh. According to the lithologic classification, mostof these softsoils are clay, siltand sand soiland a few of them are sludge andmucky soil. As the soils containmuchwaterwith big void ratio, the subsidence of the subgrade subsidence is large under the loads of the embankmentand the train. Forsatisfying the requirementofballastless track for the post-construction subsidence of subgrade, the subgrade experimental sectionwas established to do the secial study on post-construction subsidence for providing the basis to numerical simulation calculation.
Research conclusions:The Cambridge model belongs to the isotropic hardened elastic mode,l which is adaptive to the soft soil in the subgrade experiment section ofBeijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway with consideration of the water-press yield characteristics, the press rigidity, the shearing shrinage and the effects of load and download. The determination method for the test parameters of the model is simple for easy usage. Using the modified Cambridge model as the constitutivemodel is scientific and resonable. The testcurve is obtained from the ordianary triaxial compression test for providing the necessary parameters to the Cambridgemodel and providing the basis to numerical simulation calculation. The accuracy ofK0consolidatin test is improved and the model parameters are optimized through upgrading the triaxial device. These parameters can be as the reliable parameters to calculation of post -construction subsidence of the subgrade ofhigh -speed railwaywith Cambridgemodel.
Received: 30 April 2009
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