Research on the Using Dry Jet Mixing Pile to Reinforce Soft Soil Foundation of High-speed Railway |
WANG Xiang |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and DesignGroup CO., Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei 430063,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Through the in -situ test and laboratory experimen,t the research is done on the construction technique, construction organization and mangement of using dry jet mixing pile to reinforce the soft soil foundation of high -speed railway.
Research conclusions:Using dry jetmixing pile to reinforce the soft soil foundation ofhigh -speed railway is feasible.There is a little difference in piling strength by using the differentmachinemodelsofdry jetmixing pile, but there isbig difference in piling strength by using differentmachine unitof the samemode.l The unconfined compression strength of dry jetmixing pile ishardly influenced by the cyclicmixing of10m pile and allpile, adding the cyclic number of mixing and the different stratum. Selection of construction ismore important than selection of constructionmachine for the dry jetmixing pile construction. When the pile length iswithin 10m, the unconfined compression strength ofdry jet mixing pile is even, achieving perfect construction quality. For ensuring the construction quality, the dry jetmixing pile construction demands strict management.
Received: 10 April 2009
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