Design of the Open Structure of Shiziyang Tunnel for Float-resistance |
YANG Fang |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and DesignGroup Co., Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The ShiziyangTunnel of Guangzhou -Shenzhen –Hongkong Passenger Dedicated Line is the first underwater railway tunnel in China and the highest-speed underwater railway tunnel in the world. In this paper, compared with construction of Shiziyang Tunnel, the introduction is given to the problems in design of tunnel structure for float-resistance. Based on the analysis and calculation, the advisable values of float-resistantwater leve,l buoyant force and buoyant force -resistance and the reinforcementnumber ofupliftpile are offered for design of open cut tunnel structure to provide the reference to the similar works.
Research conclusions:As there is no uniform standard for selection of the float-resistant water level and the current theory aboutcalculating buoyant force doesnot regard the penetration of the soil layerswhere the tunnel structure is on,the design result of float-resistance deviates from the real situation. From the analysis and calculation it is concludedwhen the pile length ofupliftpile is longer than 10m, the sectional reinforcementshould be conducted to save the cost. The possibility of taking uplift pile as load bearing pile should be considered in design of the uplift pile, and the influence of installation ofupliftpile on the internal force of the tunnel structure should be calculated.
Received: 19 May 2009
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