Comparative Analysis of the Railway Track Technical Standards between China and Germany |
YAN—Hua;HAN Yi—tao |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.Ltd,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Germany has the advanced experience and perfect technical standards for the railway track design,construction and operations management At present,China is in the early stage of construction of passenger dedicated line and high—speed railway.So comparative analysis of the railway track technical standards between China and Germany has significances to learn Germany strong points and closing the gap.
Research conclusions: The results of the comparative analysis show that the railway track technical standards of China and Germany are worked out and issued on the basis of the national conditions,railway conditions and engineering practice,although there are some differences.As the Germany railway track technical standards are rather perfect,China can learn from it for perfecting its own standards.
Received: 03 June 2009
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