Laboratory Test Research on the Mechanical Characteristics of Delivery Controlled Anchor |
ZHENG Jing1, MENG Jin - bao1:, WANG Xu2:, AN Meng - kang1, LV Chang - ming2 |
1. Northwest Research Institute Co. Ltd of CREC , Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China; 2. Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China |
Abstract Research purposes : The common anchor used in slope engineering is fully grouted anchor, which uses the solid strata ( sliding body or potential landslide sliding body) adhesive strength between mortar and soil or rock and have a certain self — anchoring effect, however, because of the uneven stress distribution the reinforced effect of anchor is limited. Prestressed anchor can not make use of adhesive strength and without self — anchoring effect, it is need outer anchorage structure and grouting anchor body reaches a certain strength that apply a post - tensioned locking force,then can reflect anchoring effect. For this situation, a new structure of delivery controlled anchor ( ZL201120477930. 8 ) is researched and invented, which can take full advantage of the adhesive strength between mortar and soil or rock of reinforced ground. The purpose of this experiment is through indoor model test to compare delivery controlled anchor with fully grouted anchor,research the mechanical behavior and effects of delivery controlled anchor.
Research conclusions : It is concluded from the study that :(1) According to the test results of data analysis,due to the unbonded segments are arranged alternately at the free section on the new structure of delivery controlled anchor, peak values of anchor stress appear alternately along the free section during the loading process,and the stress distribution is relatively unifoml,which takes full use of the self-anchoring effects of the free section,SO the mechanical behavior of the anchor is well improved.(2)Viewing from the displacement of two different anchors,it Call be seen that the displacements of delivery controlled anchor is smaller than that of fully grouted anchor,and the slope deformation Call be restricted much better,which reflects the superiority of delivery controlled anchor.(3)The research results Call provide guidance and reference to the efficient use of anchor free section.
Received: 18 September 2013
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