Choice of Main Technical Parameters for 250 km/h Railway Line for Mixed Passenger and Freight Traffic |
YANG Yue—qin |
The Fifth Survey and Design Institute(Group)Co.Ltd,of CRCC,Beijing 1 02600,China |
Abstract Research purposes:According to the Major Technical Polices of Railways,the 250 km/h railway line mixed for passenger and freight traffic(mainly for passenger service)should be built in economically—developed plain or hilly area with large volume of passenger and certain volume of freight.As there is no Interim Provisions for design of 250 km/h Railway Line for Mixed Passenger and Freight Traffic,the main technical parameters adopted for Shijiazhuang—Taiyuan Passenger Dedicated Line are different from Nanning—Guangzhou Fast—speed Railway.Therefore,it is necessary to research the choice of main technical parameters and offer the reference values for 250 km/h railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic on the base of relative provisions SO as to well match the parameters with the train speed.
Research conclusions: Through research and comparison analysis,the main technical parameters for 250 km/h railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic are as follows:the minimum curve radius length is respectively 5 200 m in ordinary section and 4 500 m in difficult section,and the minimum length of tangent between Curves and circular curves respectively is 200 m in ordinary section.1 50 m in difficult section and 1 25 m in extremely difficult section.The relative lengths of transition Curves on different plains can be as the reference in design.
Received: 12 March 2009
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