Research on the Necessity of Building Railway Ferry between China and South Korea |
LI Jia-yu |
TheThird Railway Survey and Design InstituteGroup Corporation, Tianjin 300152, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The analyses of the current trade situation and development trend between China and SouthKorea are made and the study is done on the necessity of building railway ferry between two countries. The economic and trade developments between two countries require building the railway ferry because the railway ferry can be as other transportation mode between two countries, which can improve the transportation network and promote formation of railway corridorbetweenAsia and Europe.
Research conclusions:(1) The railway ferry will develop the trade between China and South Korea and them with MiddleAsia, WesternAsia and Eastern Europe, enhance the traffic volume of the Second ContinentalBridge in China and promote the people exchange between two countries. (2) The railway ferry will provide a new choice for freight between two countries, which can meet the demands of two countries. (3) The railway ferry can promote the coordination between Chinese railway andKorean railway. (4) The railway ferrywill have great potential benefits and possibility to become the access betweenAsia and Europe, which can be as a resource for economic integration ofAsia and Europe.
Received: 22 October 2008
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