Thoughts on Design of the Damaged Road byW enchuan Earthquake Zone |
WANG M ao, LUO Q ing |
ChinaRailwayEryuan EngineeringGroup Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes:The epicenter ofWenchuan earthquake located in the mountainous zone and the roads and bridges in seismic zonewere damaged seriously. Based on the investigation of the style and location of the damaged roads and bridges, the analyses of reasons for the road and bridge being damaged aremade and the points for caution in design of themountain road are offered.
Research conclusions:The investigation shows the main reason for hard relief are the road exitwas singleness, the landform, geology and road standardswere notconsidered together in design of the road, and the protective construction for side slope could not stand the pulling force, shearing force and bending caused by the earthquake. The following points for caution in design are presented: (1) Road network should follow the principle ofmultiple exits; (2) The road standard should consider the local conditions; (3) More attention should be paid to the geology; (4) The side slope should be anchored; (5) The crash pad should be adopted to the bridge.
Received: 01 December 2008
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