Research on the Track Irregularity ofBallastlessTrack in theComprehensive Experimental Section of Suining-Chongqing Railway Line |
CAIW en-feng1,WANG Ping2,YIN M ing-m in1 |
1. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China; 2. Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China |
Abstract Research purposes:The studies are done on the statistical law and characteristics of ballastless track irregularity and the overall analyses of amplitude characteristics, wavelength structures of track irregularity and the periodicwaveform existed in frequency and amplitude are made for the purpose of providing references to design & construction ofpassenger dedicated line and themaintenance ofballastless track. Research conclusions:Based on the statistic data on Suining-Chongqing Railway Line tested by track geometry inspection car, the evaluation of the power spectral density of the statistical sample ismade with periodic gram method andARMode,l and the power spectral density of track irregularity is obtained by usingMATLAB software. The study shows the stable wave length structures becomes stable gradually, the track regularity in the experimental section is better than ballast track and the value ofpower spectraldensity reflects the spectrum characteristics ofcontinuouswelded rail on Suining-Chongqing RailwayLine after it opens to traffic for tenmonths, but there is cyclical track irregularity in the 2-4 m narrow band range.
Received: 12 September 2008
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