Research on the3D Precise M easurement Technology for Existing Railway Line |
ZHU Hong-Tao, XU Rong |
NanchangUniversity, Nanchang, Jiangxi330031, China |
Abstract Research purposes:Formeeting the urgentdemand of finemanagementofexisting speed-increased railway line, this paper analyzes and discusses the 3D positioning survey 's technology in details, including the implementing scheme andmethod and problems. Using the 3D precise measurement technology to measure the three-dimensional coordinates directly for the existing railway trackwill lead the strategy of"precise inspection and fine repair" ofexisting railway track into a new stage.
Research conclusions:The research shows the three-dimensional survey system based on total station just apples to measuring the primary or long-term parameters, because lots of factors affect themeasuring efficiency. In order tomeet the needs ofdaily inspection ofexisting track, the high-precise digital3D track boundmeasure system based on can be developed togetherwith themaintenance benchmark along the railway, for instance the simple tools like offsetscale can be used formanualmeasuremen.t The research provides theoretical basis and thoughts on developing a complete high efficient andmoney-saving 3D track boundmeasurement system with high efficiency andmoney saving.
Received: 11 September 2008
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