TwistConstruction Technique for Cable-stayed Bridge of Shihuan Highway Crossing Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Railway |
MAO Suo-m ing |
ChinaRailway SeventhGroup Co. Ltd, Zhengzhou, Henan 450016, China |
Abstract Research purposes:Thispaperdiscusses and analyzes the controlsofkey construction process in construction of twisted cable-stayed bridge crossing Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Railwaywith flat-turnedmethod.
Research conclusions:The key points of realizing the continuous turning the large tonnage bridge are as the follows: (1) Design of the turning system shall be reasonable and effective, which is the precondition for the successful construction. (2) Process and installation precision of the turning ball hinge is the basis for successful construction.(3) Bob-weight and weight test are the safeguards for successful turning. (4) Careful and perfect organization for turning construction is the key point for successful construction.
Received: 13 October 2008
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