Construction Technology forDraining-sinkage for South Caisson Anchorage to Taizhou Yangtze RiverHighway Bridge with Large-sized SunkW ell |
TAO Jian-shan |
China ZhongtieMajorBridge EngineeringGroup, Wuhan, Hubei430050, China |
Abstract Research purposes:W ith the economic development in China, more andmore large-sized sunkwells have been used. For instance, the 67. 9 m long, 52 m wide and 41 m high base of south caisson anchorage toTaizhouYan-gtzeRiverHighway Bridge had to be sunk in the alluvial sand on the riverbank by draining-sinkage alongwith non-draining-sinkage. How to ensure the safety ofsunkwell structure, surrounding buildings andYangtzeRiverdam is the key poin.t The introduction is given in this paper to the draining sinkage scheme, including the steel caisson assembly,concrete jointheight and pumpingwater and removing soilwith deepwel.l
Research conclusions:Using draining sinkage can guarantee the grouting quality for concrete joint height and can effectively control the deviation of sinkage, with the features of large sinking coefficien,t good precipitation effects of deepwel,l perfectpumping efficiency of the excavator, removing largemud and high sinking speed. And the subsidence of the surrounding buildings andYangtzeRiver dam is controlled effectively by fillingwater.
Received: 11 September 2008
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