ExperimentalResearch on the FullFace Grouting forW eak Stratum in Soil and Rock Boundary for Xiamen Xiangcan Submarine Service Tunnel |
XU Hai-ting,WANG Quan-sheng, SUN Guo-qing,LI Zhi-guo |
ChinaRailwayTunnelGroup Co. Ltd,Luoyang,Henan 471009,China |
Abstract Research purposes:According to the design, XiamenXiangcan SubmarineTunnelwillpass through the four deepweathered troughs or capsules: F1, F2, F3, F4. In order to make the submarine tunnel passing through the weathered trough successfully and offer the reference to the similarwork, the grouting experimenton full face grouting in advance is conducted in the bad segmentof the soil and rock boundary.
Research conclusions:Using full-face curtain grouting technology to dealwith the deep weathered and weak stratum can obtain a good resul,t but the technique and technicalparameters forgrouting should be controlledwel.l The grouting technique should be the segmental grouting in advance along with afterward grouting. The vertical grouting length for submarineweathered troughs does not exceed 25 m.The area of the grouting in portraitshould be 4m outof the contour line of the service tunnel and the area of the grouting in the travelling tunnel is5m. The groutingmaterial isGM cemen.t
Received: 06 October 2008
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