Analysis and Monitoring of Ground Subsidence Caused by Excavation of Adjacent and Crossing M etro Tunnel with Shallow-depth and Subsurface ExcavationM ethod |
ZHENG Bao-ca,i CHENG W en-bin, HU Guo-wei |
TheThird EngineeringGroup Co.Ltd ofChinaRailway,Taiyuan, Shanxi030001,China |
Abstract Research purposes:According to themonitoring data on the adjacent and crossing tunnels ofmetro lines 5 and 6, the regularity ofground subsidence caused by excavation of large-span crossing tunnelwith shallow-depth and subsurface excavationmethod is analyzed and the reason for ground subsidence is summarized.
Research conclusions:(1) The curve shape ofground subsidence induced by excavation ofadjacentand crossingmetro tunnelwith shallow-depth and subsurface excavation method is identical to the Logstic curve shape. (2) Repeated intrusion in the excavation progress of crossing structure and system conversion between structures are themain reasons for the ground subsidence. (3) The appropriate excavation space, temporary invert arch and grouting reinforcement in the progress ofconstruction play a comparatively notable role in controlofground deformation. The research resultshave some practical reference to construction ofshallow tunnel in excavation, optimization ofconstruction procedures, rational usage and control of superimposed deformation caused by construction of crossing tunne.l
Received: 07 October 2008
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