Study of Detection for Coal Mine Goaf under Highway with Geophysical Exploration Methods |
LIN Ming-an, ZHAO Zu-Bong |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin 300142,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The coal mine goaf hazards have become one of the bottleneck problems that constrain the construction of highway engineering. The detection of coal mine goaf under highway has become an important scientific and engineering problem to be studied and solved urgently. The goaf is of some characteristics,such as hard to detect,poor spatial distribution regularity,which brings greater security risks for highway engineering. Using geophysical exploration methods for detecting mined-out area has become an effective means. Combing with engineering practice,this paper discusses several geophysical exploration methods of coal mine goaf, to provide a reference for similar projects.
Research conclusions:(1)The detection of coal mine goaf using the transient electromagnetic method(TEM),the seismic reflection method and the radon measurement method by active charcoal is feasible and effevtive.(2)On the basis of geophysical characteristics of goaf and by means of the transient electromagnetic method,it is necessary to detect with a variety of integrated geophysical technology.(3)The detection of coal mine goaf should use the integrated geophysical method of collecting data, geology survey geophysical prospecting and misering to achieve mutual complementation and verification. (4)Practical application demonstrates that the integrated geophysical technology has become the preferred technology for solving the detection of the coal mine goaf area. The scope of coal mine goaf can be delimited accurately using integrated geophysical technology, which could provide the basis for the alignment selection,coal mine goaf investigation and treatment.
Received: 03 March 2014
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