铁道工程学报  2015, Vol. 32 Issue (8): 20-24    DOI:
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Research on the Major Gravity Geological Disasters Distribution at Upper Minjiang River Valley
CHEN Xu1,DU Fei-xiang2,DU Yu-ben1,JUNG Liang-wen1
(1 .China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China;2. Broadvision Engineering Consultants,Kunming,Yunnan 650011,China )
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Abstract  Research purposes:Through the research of the natural geographical features and regional geological features of the upper Minjiang River, this paper investigated the gravitational geological disasters on both sides of the valley, summarized the distribution of gravitational geological disasters in the upper reaches of Minjiang River Valley,which provided the basis for the proposed Wenchuan to Chuanzhusi road of the second phase project of Chengdu to Lanzhou Expressway.
Research conclusions:(1)The valley of Minjiang River from Wenchuan to Songpan is alpine valley area with high mountains,Steep slopes,deep Valleys,active faults,complex tectonic setting,broken ground and poor slope stability. (2)On both sides of the valley,more than 240 major gravity geological disasters are investigated,the distribution is summarized as:the disasters which have diverse types,huge scale,big density,with distribution groups into the band and derivative(second nature) are longstanding. The disasters are linear distribution along the Minjiang River Valley. If the Valley are Steep Slope,the main geological disasters are rock collapse. If the slope is slow,it is easy to accumulate and form the landslide.(3)This research result has a certain reference value to the research of the geological hazard distribution law in the southwest mountain gorge region,and the linear engineering selection of the alpine gorge area.
Key wordsMinjiang River Valley      gravity geological disasters      earthquake      distribution     
Received: 24 May 2015     
:  X43  
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DU Fei-xiang2
DU Yu-ben1
JUNG Liang-wen1
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CHEN Xu1,DU Fei-xiang2,DU Yu-ben1, et al. Research on the Major Gravity Geological Disasters Distribution at Upper Minjiang River Valley[J]. 铁道工程学报, 2015, 32(8): 20-24.
https://tdgcxb.crec.cn/EN/     OR     https://tdgcxb.crec.cn/EN/Y2015/V32/I8/20
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