Study on Selection of Wujiang Monorail Bridge Type |
PENG Hua-chum ,ZHAO Zhi-jun |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd,Wuhan,Hubei 430063,China |
Abstract Research purposes: Combined with the Wujiang monorail project actual situation,starting from the angle of the bridge,this paper studies the straddle monorail and suspended monorail technology characteristics and scope of application,analyses the structural system of monorail. According to different materials the appropriate section form is determined. This paper studies the structure form, structural measures of the lower structure and the monorail construction method, in order to find out the bridge structure form and construction method suitable for Wujiang monorail.
Research conclusions ; Through the comparative analysis,it is concluded:(1)Straddle monorail is more suitable for Wujiang monorail project than suspended monorail. (2)From an economic and construction perspective,simply beam structure system is better than continuous beam. (3)Combining of landscape and environmental requirements,pier and beam are recommend to use the steel structure,foundation uses the reinforced concrete structure,cast steel supports are used for tension bearing. (4)Due to the beam weighing of 15 tons and pier height of 8m,the construction method using auto to hoist and erect is recommended. (5)The research results of this paper can be applied to single line straddle mon-orail transportation.
Received: 05 March 2014
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