Vehicle-bridge Coupling Dynamic Analysis of A-type Continuous Rigid Frame Concrete Bridge with High Piers and Long Span |
CHEN Si-xiao,CHEN Ke-jian |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes: A-type continuous rigid frame concrete bridge with high piers and long span has the characteristics of high piers,long span,light pier body weight,relatively small stiffness. The vehicle-bridge coupling dynamic response is analyzed,the vehicle-bridge dynamic performance is got,the relationship between bridge transverse vibration period and vehicle bridge dynamic response is discussed.
Research conclusions:(1)The fundamental frequency of structure is longitudinal vibration,and the frequency is 0.401 Hz,the second modes is transverse vibration,and the frequency is 0. 657 Hz,the first-order vertical bending frequency is 1.125 Hz. (2)When the passenger train runs at 200 km/h,the requirements of the vehicle running safety and stability can be met,and the transverse and vertical comfort indexes are excellent; When the freight train runs at 120 km/h,the requirements of the vehicle running safety and stability can be met; A-type high piers can better solve the problem of dynamic performance of long-span continuous rigid frame bridge.(3)The first bridge transverse vibration period has a greater influence on the bridge transverse amplitude,but the effect of vertical,transverse acceleration of the beam body is not clear.(4)The vehicle response on bridge transverse vibration period is not sensitive,the rule that the bridge transverse vibration period reflect the operation safety,comfort and stationarity of vehicles on the bridge is not obvious,and no significant correlation between the two exists. (5)This paper has a certain guiding significance for the design of railway bridge with high piers and long-span.
Received: 28 February 2014
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