Research on the Flexible Car-set Operation Organization of Urban Rail Transit |
TANG Yu-chuan , MA Bao-ren |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation Tianjin 300251,China |
Abstract Research purposes:In recent years , with the development of urban rail transit , some cities began constructing tour lines. The formation of passenger flow of tour lines is complex,the fluctuation is acute during seasons and daytime,and the demands of passengers are different. Aiming at these characteristics of the passenger flow of tour lines this paper has studied the car-set of trains , proposed flexible car-set operation organization scheme,and analyzed the technical feasibility,the advantages and disadvantages.
Research conclusions:(1)Based on the passenger flow fluctuation of rail transit lines , different car-set trains can be run in peak hours and off-peak hours. Under such situation,train full load efficiency will be assured,empty running will be lowered. At the saved to a certain extent, same time,the train frequency and serving level will be enhanced,and operation cost can be (2) The mode of train coupling and uncoupling in the the study on the realization technology of vehicle and signal , flexible car car depot is recommended. (3) Through set operation organization is feasible. (4) Flexible car-set operation organization scheme has an important significance on rail transits lines whose passenger flow vary remarkably, it can meet the needs of passengers and save operation cost, so it has a high extension value.
Received: 06 March 2014
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